GRAVIEX Mobile Application. Roadmap
We are ready to release our short-term plans about GRAVIEX.APP development.
Release 0.1 - Dec 2018
- GRAVIEX Account linkage (using internal QR code scanner)
- Market list updated in the real-time mode with the following functionality:
- Main list with market and base unit details (including: wallet info, base unit volumes)
- Market group switch (grouped by quote units)
- Option to mark/unmark favorite markets
- Markets search by name
- Option to sort by market name or by volume in quote units or a price change
- Market data (updating in real-time) with
- Main market parameters (current price, volumes, changes & etc)
- Simple candlestick chart with volumes and scale selection
- Order book
- Ordering
- Buy and sell sections with option to enter price, volume and with option to control your funds (available amounts, fees) and put appropriate order
- Order book with options to calculate required funds to buy and\or sell
- My orders (with options to sort by price and date/time and to cancel one or more orders at the same time)
- Depth chart
- Market trades with “my trades” marks and with option to select only "my trades"
Note: Deposits and Withdrawals will be processed in the web app till release 0.2
Release 0.2 - Jan 2019
- A wallet to proceed deposits and withdrawals
- Simple trading UI
- Push notifications
- iOS support (est. Jan.-Feb.)
Release 0.3 - May 2019
- Simple In-market algorithmic trading strategies
Release 0.4 - July 2019
- Advanced In-market algorithmic trading strategies
Release 0.5 - Sept 2019
- Cross-markets algorithmic trading based on assets chains and static arbitrage
Release 0.6 - Nov 2019
- Stop-loss\take-profit order types
- Market orders
Note: We are going to make roadmap adjustments periodically due to the project progress and priority changes.