GRAVIEX API v3 includes both public API and private API.
Public API | Private API |
No authentication required | Authentication required |
Unlimited | 6000 requests/keypair/5 minutes, you can contact GRAVIEX if you need more. |
Ready to use | You need to request for access/secret key at first |
To use private API, you need to get your access/secret key first. After signed up and verified, please visit API Tokens page to get your keys.
All private API requires 3 authentication parameters and zero or more API specific parameters. The 3 authentication parameters are:
access_key | Your access key. |
tonce | tonce is a timestamp in integer, stands for milliseconds elapsed since Unix epoch. Tonce must be within 30 seconds of server's current time. Each tonce can only be used once. |
signature | Signature of the API request, generated by you, use your secret key. |
Signature is a hash of the request (in canonical string form):
hash = HMAC-SHA256(payload, secret_key).to_hex
Payload is a combination of HTTP verb, uri, and query string:
# canonical_verb is HTTP verb like GET/POST in upcase.
# canonical_uri is request path like /webapi/v3/markets.
# canonical_query is the request query sorted in alphabetica order, including access_key and tonce, e.g. access_key=xxx&foo=bar&tonce=123456789
# The combined string looks like: GET|/webapi/v3/markets|access_key=xxx&foo=bar&tonce=123456789
def payload
Note: query parameters are sorted in payload, so it must be "access_key=xxx&foo=bar" not "foo=bar&&access_key=xxx".
Suppose my secret key is 'yyy', then the result of HMAC-SHA256 of above payload is:
hash = HMAC-SHA256('GET|/webapi/v3/markets|access_key=xxx&foo=bar&tonce=123456789', 'yyy').to_hex
= 'e324059be4491ed8e528aa7b8735af1e96547fbec96db962d51feb7bf1b64dee'
Now we hav a signed request which can be used like this:
curl -X GET ''
Corresponding HTTP status code will be used in API response. GRAVIEX will also return a JSON structure including error details on failed request, for example:
{"error":{"code":1001,"message":"market does not have a valid value"}}
All errors follow the message format above, only differentiates in code and message. Code is a GRAVIEX defined error code, indicates the error's category, message is human-readable details.
GRAVIEX returns HTTP 200 response on successful request, with requested data in JSON format.
Data Type | Example | Comments |
Market |
| at: A timestamp in seconds since Epoch buy/sell: Current buy/sell price low/high: Lowest/highest price in last 24 hours last: Last price vol: Trade volume in last 24 hours |
Member |
| sn: Unique identifier of user name: User name email: User email activated: Whether user is activated accounts: User's accounts info, see Account |
Account |
| currency: Account type, like 'btc' or 'usd' balance: Account balance, exclude locked funds locked: locked funds |
Order |
| id: Unique order ID side: Buy/Sell price: Order price avg_price: Average execution price state: wait, done or cancel. 'wait' represents the order is active, it may be a new order or partial complete order; 'done' means the order has been fulfilled completely; 'cancel' means the order has been cancelled. market: Which market the order belongs to created_at: Order created time volume: volume to buy/sell remaining_volume: remaining_volume is always less or equal than volume executed_volume: volume = remaining_volume + executed_volume trades: the order's trade history, see Trade. Note: not all order include trades, only detailed order data returned by certain API will. |
Trade |
| id: Unique ID price: trade price volume: trade volume market: the market trade belongs to, like 'btcusd' created_at: trade time |
OrderBook |
| OrderBook shows orders on market. |
Buy 1BTC at price 10000USD:
curl -X POST '' -d 'access_key=your_access_key&tonce=1234567&signature=computed_signature&market=btcusd&price=10000&side=buy&volume=1'
Create multiple orders with a single request:
curl -X POST '' -d 'access_key=your_access_key&tonce=123456789&signature=computed_signature&market=btcusd&orders[][price]=10000&orders[][side]=sell&orders[][volume]=0.5&orders[][price]=3999&orders[][side]=sell&orders[][volume]=0.99'
Python script with markets and put order sample:
import hashlib
import hmac
import urllib2
import urllib
import time
import ssl
access_key = '00000000000000000000000000'
secret_key = '00000000000000000000000000'
# 0. making ssl context - verify should be turned off
ctx = ssl.create_default_context()
ctx.check_hostname = False
ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
# ------------------
# Get markets list
# ------------------
# 1. list markets
epoch_time = str(int(time.time())) + '000'
request = 'access_key=' + access_key + '&tonce=' + epoch_time
message = 'GET|/webapi/v3/markets|' + request
# 1.1 generate the hash.
signature =
# 1.2 list markets
query = '' + request + '&signature=' + signature
content = urllib2.urlopen(query, context=ctx).read()
# ------------------
# Put sell order
# ------------------
# 2. put order
epoch_time = str(int(time.time())) + '001' # tonce should be different from previous one
request = 'access_key=' + access_key + '&market=giobtc&price=0.000000042&side=sell' + '&tonce=' + epoch_time + '&volume=100.0'
message = 'POST|/webapi/v3/orders|' + request
# 2.1 generate the hash.
signature =
# 2.2 put order
query = '' + request
result = urllib2.Request(query, urllib.urlencode({'signature' : signature})) #there is a trick - we need a POST request, thats why urlencode used
content = urllib2.urlopen(result, context=ctx).read()
API | Detail |
POST /webapi/v3/order/delete | Cancel order is an asynchronous operation. A success response only means your cancel request has been accepted, it doesn't mean the order has been cancelled. You should always use /webapi/v3/order or websocket api to get order's latest state. |
POST /webapi/v3/orders/clear | Cancel all your orders is an asynchronous operation. A success response only means your request has been accepted. The orders in response may or may not have been cancelled yet. |
GET /webapi/v3/orders market=all | Ability to get all placed orders for all markets |
All API are listed below with details. Those require access_key/tonce/signature are private API.