GRAVIEX Treasure Hunting season is open!

Mission 1

We’ve hidden 10 private keys (worth of 0.1 LTC each) on some pages of  

Fish them out before someone else finds them!

Treasure chests:

Mission 2 (notice: coins found!)

Detect a word on this picture. That word is a key for a web-address of the page where you can find a wallet full of 0.25 LTC! 

Add the found word to the URL and grab the wallet! 

Treasure chest:

Mission 3 (notice: coins found!)

The message from the Agent #007 has been fatally corrupted... All we can see is on picture below.

Find the missing part of the ULR, and possess a private key from 1 LTC on that page! 

Treasure chest:

Mission 4 (notice: coins found!)

Agent #007 knew he had been on the hook... Only a few minutes were left before killers would burst the door in. Only a few minutes to burn down the enciphered note where M. specified a private code from the cashbox.  

Will you dare to decypher these 2 lines?!  So only You will know how to get 0.5 LTC!

Treasure chest:

Mission 5 (notice: coins found!)

That old Egyptian didn’t lie! From the very moment Indiana Jones saw those ancient symbols, he knew they would lead him  to the Treasure Room of Rameses the IV…

Will you dare to decypher these ancient tables?!  Be cautious! Wrong translation will summon the spirit of the Ancient Evil hidden under the pyramids. Only the bravest and wise can solve the riddle and get the treasure - 3 LTC

Notice: all we know from Indiana Jones: it is a private key!

Treasure chest: