Graviocoin Desktop Wallet Installation and Staking Guide 

Here you can download the Graviocoin desktop wallet appropriate for your operating system

Steps of installing the Graviocoin wallet for Windows:

  • Download appropriate wallet archive.
  • Unpack the archive to a folder on your hard disk (for example d:\Graviocoin\).
  • Run 'graviocoin-qt.exe' file and follow the instructions of the setup wizard.
  • Choose the Graviocoin core data directory on your hard disk.
  • Load the master key and wallet account (HD Wallet setup):  
    • select the "Create" tab and click on the "Generate" button:
    • copy your generated Recovery Phrase and paste it in the appropriate field on the "Import" tab,
    • enter your Recovery Passphrase in the appropriate field,
    • BACKUP your Recovery Phrase and the Passphrase in case you need to restore your wallet! 
    • click on the "Import" button:
  • Enter the "Receive" tab and click on the "Create new receiving address" button (or use the 'getnewaddress' command in the "Window/Console" menu):
  • You can manage all created addresses in the "Window/Receiving addresses" or "Sending addresses" menu:

We highly recommend making regular BACKUPs of your wallet to prevent irrecoverable loss of funds (via the "File/Backup wallet" menu)!  

PoS-mining (staking) setup

After GIO’s becoming a PoS-coin (, a lot of holders started mining without any expensive hardware, using only their Craviocoin desktop wallet! It's easy and affordable for every owner of Linux & Windows laptop or PC!

PoS-mining (staking) conditions:

  • block reward - 5 GIO,
  • minimal amount on the wallet balance to start staking - 50 GIO,
  • maturity period (staked amount blocking) - 100 blocks,
  • minimal confirmations for stake - 225.

How to participate in PoS-mining (staking):

  • Install the Graviocoin desktop wallet appropriate for your operating system as described above.
  • Create a new Receiving address (if you haven't done it yet). The number of Receiving addresses does not affect staking.
  • NO NEED in additional settings in your desktop wallet - it's already ready for staking. 
  • Send an amount of at least 50 GIO to the address received in your Graviocoin desktop wallet:
    • enter the "Window/Receiving addresses" menu and copy the address for making a deposit,
    • transactions with larger amounts have a higher chance of a stake.
  • Transactions will participate in staking after receiving 255 confirmations. 
  • You can check the staking status via the "Window/Console" menu using the 'getstakinginfo' command ("staking": true):
  • After receiving a 5 GIO reward for a new block, the amount of coins that participated in staking is blocked for the next 100 blocks (the new block time is 2 minutes) and is displayed in the "Overview" section in the "Staked" line. During this blocking (maturity period), this amount cannot participate in staking and cannot be withdrawn from the wallet:
  • To participate in PoS-mining, your Graviocoin desktop wallet must be running, and your laptop or PC must be online (offline staking is not supported).

PoS-mining (staking) FAQ:

  • When will I get my reward? I haven't had a stake for a long time! 
    • Most likely you have a very small amount of GIO on your wallet balance. The more interest in GIO, the more miners participate in staking. As a result, miners who have a large amount of gio in their wallet have a greater chance of getting a stake faster than others. However, the one with the lower amount will also receive his reward over time!

  • How do I find out if staking is enabled in my wallet? Maybe it doesn't work? 
    • You can check the staking status via the "Window/Console" menu using the 'getstakinginfo' command ("staking": true). Transactions start participating in staking only after receiving more than 255 confirmations. After receiving a 5 GIO reward for a new block, the amount of coins that participated in staking is blocked for the next 100 blocks (the new block time is 2 minutes). So you just have to wait. By the way, the same command also shows the current difficulty of mining (staking).

  • I still don't have a single stake, maybe I need to configure something in the wallet?
    • NO NEED in additional settings in your desktop wallet - it's already ready for staking. The "Staking Setup" menu is currently inactive.

  • How often will I get stakes on my wallet? How can I calculate the periodicity?
    • This is a non-constant value. The chances of a stake depend on the current Difficulty of mining (you can it via the "Window/Console" menu using the 'getstakinginfo' command), the Number of competitors participating in mining and the amount of GIO on the balance of your wallet.

  • Why does the amount available in the Gravio wallet change?
    • After receiving a 5 GIO reward for a new block, the amount of coins (transaction) that participated in staking is blocked for the next 100 blocks (the new block time is 2 minutes) and is displayed in the "Overview" section in the "Staked" line. During this blocking (maturity period), this amount cannot participate in staking and cannot be withdrawn from the wallet.

  • Will the amount of the stake reward participate in mining?
    • Yes, of course! The reward amounts for will be added to the transaction that participated in the staking at that time, and will participate in mining.

If you have any trouble during the installation or setup process, please contact us: (RU group -